
Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Case for Maintaining the DEFINITION of Marriage

"Why a Good Person Can Vote Against Same-Sex Marriage" By Dennis Pragger

The link above is to a short article that addresses the question "is marriage good for society".  It's a good article acknowledging that sometimes those on both sides are looking at different questions about this issue.

A few excerpts:

“Few on either side honestly address the question of the other side. Opponents of same-sex marriage rarely acknowledge how unfair the age-old man-woman definition is to gay couples. And proponents rarely, if ever, acknowledge that this unprecedented redefinition of marriage may not be good for society.”

“Catholic Charities, which operates the oldest ongoing adoption services in America, has had to end its adoption work in Illinois, Massachusetts and Washington, DC because the governments there regard placing children with married man-woman couples before same-sex couples as discriminatory.”

“The socialist French government has just announced that in the future no government issued document will be allowed to use the words “mother” or “father.” Only the gender-neutral term “parent” will be acceptable in France.”

These are things that are happening, individuals and organizations being sued at the law for not supporting something they do not believe in.  I remember learning as a child that people may believe and practice as they wish as long as it doesn't harm another.  Well people are now being harmed, disallowed to make a living, or help longing parents to have families if they will not deny their personal beliefs.  I would say that yes, discrimination and confusion, a lack of kindness was shown to same gender relationships and in some cases still are.  But now we are doing the same thing in the other direction.  We aren't getting rid of discrimination and persecution, but changing who the target is.  Taking away the freedom of churches and their members to believe and practice as they will.  Persecution is already on our doorstep and many are rushing to open up.  We need to be thoughtful, non of us should be too eager to leap.  Such a change is unprecedented and the consequences may certainly be wide and unforeseeable.  Whether it is homes with more than two parents, eliminating laws inhibiting sexual relations between minors and adults (a notable organization in favor of changing the marriage definition has already declared that sexual abuse from men towards young boys may not be as bad as we thought), or whatever else many various things may happen, we need to ask ourselves, "are we unwittingly opening a flood gate we will not be able to shut?"

I am reminded of the fallen Roman Empire, where it was socially acceptable for men to court young adolescent boys.  The people were purposefully constantly distracted so as not to notice the moral climate change.  It is sad, but we are not far off in some ways from such atrocities, for falling happens fast and fall that once great Empire did.  It is not a question of love for our brother, most religions teach that to their followers.  The question is what are we leaving for future generations as we endeavor to change a definition that is as old as man, being declared and instituted in the beginning by God for a wise and good purpose for all of us, his children.

The only thing I can say for certain is that those with the attitude that "it is not a big deal" are not thinking it through. I plead with all not to be lax on this issue.  Some things are abominable to the Lord.  He is understanding, He loves all of His children.  He has given marriage between a man and woman to help us, but it is hard to help someone who will not be helped.

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